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A 12-Step Guide for Beginners – Source WordPress Blog News

So, you want to start a blog, huh? First of all, that’s a pretty dope idea. In my opinion, it’s one of the most fun and rewarding things you can do.

Blogging allows you to dive deeply into topics that really interest you, improve as a writer, and learn a ton along the way. In addition, starting your own blog has never been easier. The required pieces are readily available. You just have to know how to use them, which is what this post will show you.

We’ll cover the step-by-step process on how you can start a blog basically today. From if and why you should do it, over preparation, getting a website address, setting up and designing your blog, to writing your first blog post and making it ready for publishing.

But wait, isn’t blogging dead?

If blogging had really died as often as people said it did, it would have signed a DNR by now.

But, the truth is, blogging has never really gone away. It has changed over time, for sure, but is still a valid way to…

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