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Apple gets it. Privacy has a user experience problem – Source

Mixed into this week’s shiny news from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference is an important data privacy update—a new Apple feature that reveals to consumers what personal data their apps are tracking. Though the feature is limited because it is self-reported by app developers, Apple is right to design an interface that makes data tracking easy to understand.

The wider industry needs to keep pace with Apple’s push on privacy. Doing so starts with every business finally admitting two truths: First, the global business approach to data privacy is broken, and second, consumers deserve a universally better experience.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has thrust the issue of data privacy front and center. Stuck at home, people are moving more and more of their lives online, and most are unwilling to give up their rights to enhance their physical safety. Now, more than ever, businesses need to build trust on data privacy. Proof of heightened privacy concerns can be found as companies…

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