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Apple patents hint at wireless iPhone charging on MacBook, SolarWinds hack likely Russian in origin – Video – Source CNET Tech

This is CNET and here are the stories that matter right now.
Apple could be working on a way to wirelessly charge your iPhone with your Mac.
The company has been granted two new patents for inductively charging an electronic device using another device.
As the patrons first followed by patiently Apple show what looks like an iPhone and an Apple Watch resting beside the MacBook trackpad and on a MacBook cover.
Top US intelligence agencies have confirmed that the recent solar winds hack was quote likely Russian in origin The hack began in early 2020, and saw a raft of government agencies, and private companies like Microsoft hit with malware.
The details of the hack weren’t revealed until December last year.
And while officials hinted at Russian involvement, there has been no formal attribution until now.
And finally Qualcomm CEO Steve mollenkopf, is set to retire in June…

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Source CNET Tech

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