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The 10 most innovative film and television companies of 2022 – Source

Explore the full 2022 list of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies, 528 organizations whose efforts are reshaping their businesses, industries, and the broader culture. We’ve selected the firms making the biggest impact with their initiatives across 52 categories, including the most innovative music, media, and design companies.

When people sit down to be entertained, they generally like seeing more of what they already like. It’s the guiding principle behind Hollywood’s love affair with sequels, spinoffs, reboots, adaptations, and sequels to spinoffs of rebooted adaptations. Last year may not have been an exception, but it was also a creative phase in which original material came roaring back. 

New streaming services brought fresh perspectives. WarnerMedia and HBO Max redefined the theatrical release with films like Godzilla vs. Kong and Dune, which made their simultaneous debut on screens both large and small. Bold and original cinematic visions from film and…

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