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The Tech Stack of the Growth Summit – News – Source WordPress Blog News

Behind the Scenes: The Tech Stack of the Growth Summit

If you enjoy building sites with WordPress, tinkering around with design and functionality, check out a behind-the-scenes look at how we built our Growth Summit site!

Recently, we hosted our second annual Growth Summit and welcomed over 1,300 attendees at the event. The summit was fully online, and it built on the momentum of our inaugural Growth Summit in 2020 after hearing from you, our community, that another conference would be a great learning and networking opportunity for people looking to grow their sites. Based on the positive feedback from last year, this year’s programming continued to be customer-focused by highlighting people — just like you! — who started sites and businesses on and have seen them flourish.

We also changed up the tech stack we used, which allowed us to offer a better user experience and to…

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