Timoni West was thinking and talking about spatial computing and mixed reality long before Mark Zuckerberg ever said the word “metaverse” in public. West’s company, Unity Software, is a go-to graphics engine in game development (while the company also serves the film, animation, and architecture industries). As the VP who oversees augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), West is charged with making sure the Unity platform offers the tools and integrations developers need to create the mixed-reality experiences they envision. As developers figure out what the metaverse will mean for them, many will likely use Unity’s real-time 3D tools to build for it.
I asked West to help me understand industry’s current push toward spatial computing, and how Unity is responding.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Fast Company: It may be a while before we see the kind of stylish AR glasses that we’ll want to wear into the metaverse. And yet it seems like the…
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Source : fastcompany.com
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