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VPNs: 3 things they can’t help you with – Source CNET Internet News


Getty/Linus Strandholm/EyeEm

Virtual private networks are great for a lot of things: protecting your passwords when you hop on public Wi-Fi, accessing your favorite Netflix shows when you travel out of the country, and aiding and abetting you in the criminal act of reading Wikipedia where it’s been outlawed. But in the midst of growing VPN hype and a booming market, it’s important to understand how VPNs work and examine vendors with some skepticism, keeping in mind a few things VPNs can’t do.  

Let you game at work without the boss knowing

Unfortunately, a VPN isn’t going to shield your binge-watching from the boss’ gaze if your company is large enough to have a fleet of IT professionals, for several reasons. First, most…

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Source CNET Internet News

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