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What is decentralized finance? The risks and rewards of DeFi – Source

As an expert on emerging technologies, I believe that decentralized finance, known as DeFi, is the first solid answer to that question. DeFi refers to financial services that operate entirely on blockchain networks, rather than through intermediaries like banks.

But DeFi comes with a host of risks as well that developers and regulators will need to address before it can go mainstream.

What is DeFi?

Traditionally, if you want to borrow US$10,000, you first need some assets or money already in the bank as collateral.

A bank employee reviews your finances, and the lender sets an interest rate for the repayment of your loan. The bank gives you the money out of its pool of deposits, collects your interest payments and can seize your collateral if you fail to repay.

Everything depends on the bank: It sits in the middle of the process and controls your money.

The same is true of stock trading, asset management, insurance and basically every form of financial services today. Even when a…

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