In case you haven’t noticed the world runs on microchips.
Not just the elaborate ones you hear that operate your computer or your phone.
But frankly a whole bunch of others.
That operate things like the timer in your coffee pot, or the power windows.
Is in your car, across that gamut, we’ve heard that there’s a chip shortage and you see the outcome of it.
game consoles really hard to find cars stocking up in marshalling yards waiting for final components, because there are no chips to build them.
It’s becoming quite a bottleneck.
Now what?
I have two experts here, colleagues of mine from CNET news who will know we’ve got Shara tibken and Steven Shanklin, both senior reporters we’ve seen that and let me start with you, Shara big picture for those who are not following this but are just maybe just now becoming aware of it.
Why is there a chip shortage?…
Source CNET Tech
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