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Who will win on Election Night? How DDHQ makes the call – Source

The most dramatic moment on election night usually comes when news organizations “call” the race for the winning candidate. This often happens way before all the vote counts have been reported, like the electric moment in Grant Park in Chicago in 2008 when CNN called the race for America’s first Black president, Barack Obama. Or the very different moment when the Associated Press called the race for Donald Trump at 2:29 a.m. Eastern on November 9, 2016.

It turns out that just a few companies are behind these race calls. For example, if you’re watching CNN this Tuesday night and you see a winner called in Florida, it’s because that network’s internal race call team has made a decision based on results data from Edison Research. If Fox News calls Florida, it’s because its call team has come to a decision based on data from the Associated Press.

Another, newer voter data firm will also be hard at work on election night—Washington D.C.-based Decision Desk HQ. DDHQ’s…

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