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Zoom is getting ready for conference rooms to matter again – Source

Quick, what’s the single technology product most closely associated with working from home during the pandemic? No contest: It’s Zoom. The videoconferencing service has become so synonymous with WFH productivity that it’s easy to forget that people used Zoom an awful lot even back when many participants were all sitting in a conference room together.

In the years before the coronavirus turned conference rooms into ghost towns, Zoom paid a lot of attention to the in-office meeting experience. Early in its history, the company created a service, Zoom Rooms, dedicated to helping groups at work call into Zoom meetings and manage conference-room availability. It also worked with hardware manufacturers to offer gear such as webcams designed to capture an entire room rather than a single person plopped squarely in front of a laptop.

Fast-forward to February 2021. People still aren’t returning to the office in droves; a meaningful percentage may never go back. But with COVID-19…

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