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6 must-read books for business leaders during the pandemic – Source

One of the best things that leaders of a young company can do, with the pandemic and shutdowns continuing to disrupt everything, is . . . read books. Why? Because when crucial interactions are distorted by being forced online, you need more than tips for looking good in a videoconference. When uncertain times threaten a firm’s survival, you need more than emergency moves. It’s time to focus on fundamentals.

At our venture capital firm over the past few months, we’ve sent surveys to our founders asking where they’re facing challenges and could use help. Then we reached out through our networks for suggestions of books in areas of need.

The most requested area for help was around culture during work-from-home. It’s clear that a strong, healthy culture—one that truly taps what each person can offer—will carry you through the storm. Grasping some basic principles of human interaction can enable you to sell, hire, negotiate, and collaborate better whether you are on Zoom or…

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