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Customize your iPhone’s home screen with auto wallpapers – Source

Back in September, some intrepid iPhone users discovered that they could drastically change the look of their home screens, combining custom app icons with iOS 14’s new home screen widgets. A new trend was born as people showed off their wildest creations on social media and rediscovered the joy of making technology more personal.

But creating custom home screens in iOS 14 is tedious work, in which users must download dozens of app icons, create separate launch shortcuts for each one, set up corresponding widgets in apps such as Widgetsmith, and find a wallpaper to match. Not everyone has that kind of time, energy, or inclination.

Fortunately, there’s another way to freshen up your home screen that doesn’t take as much work: Just schedule automatic updates for your wallpaper instead. With Apple’s latest iOS 14.3 update, you can regularly set new wallpapers from your camera roll, a specific photo album, or even from online sources. It still takes a bit of setup, but it beats…

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