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More booster shots likely necessary to protect against COVID-19 – Video – Source CNET Tech

This is CNET and through the stories that matter right now, it is now looking more and more likely that COVID-19 booster shots or annual vaccines will be part of the fight against the deadly disease.
The major vaccine manufacturers have to shot doses like Pfizer and the darna are developing a third shot to be given as soon as this fall.
Researchers are also looking into ways to develop vaccines directed toward variants and mutant strains more than 125 million Americans have already received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, almost half of those received Johnson and Johnson’s single shot.
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, which owns Instagram.
Instagram is facing pressure from nearly three dozen parent groups to discontinue its plans to develop a kids version of the popular photo sharing social media app.
After years of complaints of inappropriate content, bullying, and…

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Source CNET Tech

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