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Opt-in rates are dismal so far – Source

With last week’s launch of iOS 14.5, iPhone and iPad users now have a say in whether their apps can track them. And so far, the results are sobering for the companies doing the tracking.

Flurry Analytics, a Verizon-owned measurement firm, estimates that just 11% of users worldwide are opting into tracking in iOS 14.5, based on measurements of 5.3 million users. Opt-in rates are even lower in the United States, where just 4% of users are allowing themselves to be tracked.

Not all estimates are quite so dire. The marketing analytics firm AppsFlyer found that users have opted into tracking 37% of the time globally in the first week after iOS 14.5’s public launch, and 29% of the time in the United States. (AppsFlyer declined to comment on the difference in results, and Verizon did not return a request for comment, but the companies may be using different methodologies to measure eligible users.)

Click to expand [Image: Flurry]

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