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Healthcare and drug makers have a chance to woo tech talent – Source

The healthcare and pharmaceutical industries are having a moment with techies. Drug giant Novartis conducted a survey of more than 2,500 technologists this summer and found that 83% of them said they were “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to consider careers at healthcare or pharma companies. The reasons varied from the opportunity to innovate through technology (52%) to making healthcare more efficient (49%) and improving quality of care (49%).

Bertrand Bodson, the chief digital officer of Novartis who previously held top digital jobs at Sainsbury’s, EMI Music, and Amazon spoke with Fast Company about the growing appeal of the healthcare sector to information technology professionals.

The following interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

Fast Company: How much of this interest from the tech sector do you think is tied directly to the pandemic?

Bertrand Bodson: I think that the trend has been a long time coming. That’s what attracted me to [Novartis] in the…

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