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A founder asks Maynard Webb what to do after an acquisition – Source

Editor’s Note: Each week Maynard Webb, former CEO of LiveOps and the former COO of eBay, will offer candid, practical, and sometimes surprising advice to entrepreneurs and founders. To submit a question, write to Webb at

Q. My startup was bought by a big company. I am now in charge of a really large group. It’s been going well, but I’m not sure that I want to stay. Is that normal?

—Former founder

Dear Founder,

Congrats on being in this position. Obviously, you built a great company that continues to grow and provide value, and you’ve done a great job scaling an idea and leading people.

But your question raises another question: Do you want to be a leader in a massive company, or do you want to be a builder in a small company?

I believe you’ve already answered this question for yourself, but let’s dig into what’s happening here. Though you are in a great position, it’s a tough position. That’s because it possibly cuts against what you…

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