News & Events

Apple, ISPs and mobile networks respond to COVID-19, NASA Mars lander finally moves its stuck probe Alphabet's Verily launches coronavirus testing website for SF Bay Area Apple, Google, Amazon block nonofficial coronavirus apps from app stores Words With Friends 2 designer talks women in tech and imposter syndrome Verizon closing some retail stores to slow spread of coronavirus Coronavirus has a lot of people playing Fortnite and watching Twitch Reddit co-founder's plea: Stay home, #FlattenTheCurve and save lives Coronavirus cancellations and delays: From the NBA to Disney films and Broadway 9 great reads from CNET this week SXSW, E3 canceled Apple closes all stores outside China until March 27 on coronavirus worries Alphabet's Verily is building a tool to help people find coronavirus tests – Source CNET Tech

Today’s tech headlines include Apple moving to shut down stores outside of China and US carriers suspend data caps in the wake of COVID-19 spread.

California Governor Gavin Newsom said he believes the partnership with Google’s sister company can be a “national model” for coronavirus screening.

Apple and Amazon are only accepting COVID-19 and coronavirus-related apps from “recognized entities,” Google is pointing people toward the WHO’s website.

“I realized along the way that my voice was just as important,” said Michelle David, a UX designer at Zynga.

The carrier is the latest to respond to the pandemic by shuttering its doors.

People are turning to the hit video game and streaming service as an escape amid the pandemic.

Alexis Ohanian reportedly buys a billboard in Times Square to urge people to help slow the spread of the coronavirus so hospitals don’t get overwhelmed.

Industries from tech to sports are reacting to the pandemic. Here’s the growing list of events that are affected.


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