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Best free newsletters 2021 – Source

E-mail newsletters are having a moment. Once the preferred way to ingest regular doses of interesting readables, they seemed to lose ground over the past couple decades to the likes of RSS feeds, social media, and other newfangled forms of digital infotainment.

But in today’s world of too much to read and too little time, it’s the tried-and-true newsletter that’s making a comeback. It’s compact. It’s focused. It’s just what we need.

If you’re looking to get caught up, get smarter, and get better at what you do, here’s a shortlist of free newsletters that deserve a spot in your inbox.


Ten items. That’s all you get from self-described human algorithm Dave Pell.

Pell mainlines around 75 news sites every morning and rounds the most interesting bits up into the NextDraft newsletter, a 10-item, Monday-to-Friday list with the most impactful stuff at the top and only slightly less impactful stuff as you work your way down.

It’s a nice mix of world affairs,…

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