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Best productivity hardware and software tips for 2021 – Source

If, like me, you’ve been wandering around the house muttering, “New year, new me” without really being sure what’s going to change, might I suggest you use this year to get more productive?

That does not mean working harder, mind you—especially if you’ll still be working from home for the foreseeable future. It simply means working smarter so you can get more done in less time and, in turn, maintain (or regain) a proper work-life balance.

Take it from me: a lazy but productive homebody who’s been working remotely for years.

In that spirit, here are some of my most prized productivity-powering possessions.

A big 4K monitor

We’re officially living in an era of cheap, large, high-resolution displays, and of all the things on this list, this is the very last one that I would give up.

You’ll never know true productivity until you can see all your work on a 4K screen. No need to hunch over your laptop screen. No need to hook up multiple monitors. Just get yourself an…

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