OAKLAND, California (Reuters) – Fans of popular group card games including Codenames, Spyfall and Cards Against Humanity have turned to playing unofficial online versions during video conferences with friends, as coronavirus restrictions prevent them from meeting up in person.
Luke Tsekouras, a site reliability engineer, working on his newly popular games website netgames.io, is seen at his home in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia April 9, 2020, in this handout image. Luke Tsekouras/Handout via REUTERS
Providing the entertainment for the home-bound are software developers such as Jackson Owens who maintain free copycats of the games. Their obscure websites exploded in usage last month when social distancing measures locked Europeans and Americans at home and forced them to take dinner parties and happy hours online.
The websites deliver comfort entertainment in a novel setting, as one person can launch a game and share their screen through video chat to make for a virtual…
Source Reuters Tech News
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