So, Wordle is having a moment, huh?
If you haven’t played the daily word game, you must. You get six tries to guess a five-letter word. Each guess tells you if you have a letter in the right place, a correct letter in the wrong place, or a wrong letter.
Each guess is supposed to get you closer, except for the time the word was “knoll” and everyone on the internet lost their collective minds.
But I digress. The worst part about Wordle (which is itself perfection) is that you can only play it once a day! How are we all supposed to fill the other 23 hours and 55 minutes?! Here are some fun Wordle-like options to scratch that itch.
Wordle Archive
Once you’re hooked on Wordle, your first stop should be the Wordle Archive, which is not maintained by Wordle’s creator, Josh Wardle, but by another kind soul, Devang Thankkar.

It’s Wordle, except you can keep playing it. You’ll get yesterday’s puzzle each time you load it up, but the only way to fly is the Random button, which plops…
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