In July, Flipboard will turn 10. The app has evolved a lot over its first decade: It started out as an early killer app for the then-new iPad but is now most popular on smartphones. All along, however, it’s focused on being a personalized magazine—a customizable, digital upgrade to reading in its traditional dead-tree form.
Video—such as embedded YouTube—has long been an element of the Flipboard experience too; it’s just been more of a sideline than a primary attraction. But now the app is adding a new feature, Flipboard TV, that aims to be . . . well, pretty much Flipboard for video. It’s highly curated, with an attractive interface, and designed to let people delve into the topics they care about, all in one place inside a new tab in the app.
Along with giving Flipboard fans more stuff to peruse, Flipboard TV introduces a new twist for the company’s business model. In the past, the app has let you log into accounts for media outlets such as the New York Times to view…
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