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How coronavirus could completely upend the 2020 campaign – Source

In recent weeks, the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus has become a major issue in the presidential campaign, with both Democratic frontrunners Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders criticizing the president’s initial attempts to minimize the severity of the virus.

And increasingly, the pandemic is having an actual impact on the mechanics of the presidential race itself and the way that the campaigns are being conducted—from cancellations of rallies and the structure of debates to concerns about reduced turnout at the polls and proposals to widen the availability of voting by mail—throwing uncertainty into an election that is already expected to be tumultuous. (Some have even proposed cancelling the campaign in the face of the crisis.)

Both Sanders and Biden cancelled campaign events on primary night Tuesday due to coronavirus concerns. And though Trump has been downplaying (and misstating) the coronavirus threat, his reelection campaign team decided not to hold a…

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