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How Google launched the new Google TV during a pandemic – Source

It was a day in late March. I was on my third video call and it wasn’t even 10 a.m.

“We’re going to have to rethink the keynote format,” I told my colleagues. “Can we host it virtually? And should we move the production lines to a country that is still open?” These were questions I’d never needed to consider before, but I was asking them now.

“Oh, and we’ll have to get creative about testing since we can’t access the TV labs,” I added with a sigh. It was going to be a long day.

We were planning for the launch of Google TV, a new entertainment experience that would be available first on the new Chromecast with Google TV. Working toward a product launch that includes both new software and hardware is a lot like working in show business. Once a launch date is on the calendar, we are committed. Whatever challenges arise, the show must go on—even if that challenge is a global pandemic.

For my team, the impact of COVID-19 went beyond launch logistics, extending to our…

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