With everybody transitioning to working from home, taking care of kids, and reinventing schedules, it’s unfortunate that we should have to worry about our online security and privacy, too. But security pros say a whole new set of threats await those moving to remote work.
In the shadowy world of cybercrime, the coronavirus emergency is seen as a big opportunity. Periods of change and transition create new vectors of attack, new exposure surfaces to exploit, and new ways to steal the personal data of employees or the trade secrets of companies.
Experts say that cybercrooks are at this very moment devising ways of taking advantage of millions of employees transitioning to work-from-home situations. They know that employees will be connecting to their companies’ servers and other resources in a very different way. They are also aware that many employees will be doing their work on computers normally used for personal affairs, and that other workers will rely more on their mobile…
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Source : fastcompany.com
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