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Introducing the Command Palette – News – Source WordPress Blog News

A handy new tool that streamlines navigation, editing, and settings changes.

Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient. 

WordPress already utilizes a number of incredibly handy keyboard shortcuts:

  • When you’re in an individual post or page, typing “/” allows you to quickly search for and insert any of our blocks or patterns. 
  • “Shift+Command+/” brings you right into distraction free mode (one of our favorites around here). 
  • “Ctrl+Option+O” toggles the list view/outline pane, allowing you to quickly see your blocks at a glance and rearrange them easily if needed.

And now, with the brand Command Palette tool, yet another…

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