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MIT’s new maps show your region’s COVID-19 risk score – Source

The coronavirus is moving at a blurring rate. But researchers, doctors, and health officials still have a lot to learn from even the most recent events. That’s why a group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has released a set of tools aimed at helping officials find the people most likely to suffer negative effects from the coronavirus. Included in those resources are a couple of maps that identify the most risk-prone counties all around the U.S.

“I think there’s some very dark days ahead, and in those dark days state and local officials will want to know where are those vulnerable people,” says Simon Johnson, a professor of entrepreneurship at MIT and the former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, who is co-leading the effort.

Two weeks ago, Johnson and Retsef Levi, a professor of operations management at MIT, formed the COVID-19 Policy Alliance. The two have gathered a team of MIT experts to develop tools to help public officials understand and…

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