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Tim Cook and Apple’s careful dance with Trump’s White House – Source

On Tuesday, the Trump White House announced a new solution to the unemployment crisis that sounds as vague and empty as its spokesperson, Ivanka Trump. The “Find Something New” campaign, which consists mainly of an ad and some website links, is meant to inform workers of nontraditional skills training routes to better jobs. The initiative was thrashed on social media as naive and tone-deaf, in light of the 18 million Americans currently out of work in the U.S. And who was sitting right next to Ivanka (on Zoom, anyway) at the announcement of the new initiative? Apple CEO Tim Cook, in yet another cringe-worthy example of Apple’s awkward dance with the Trumps.

Find Something New grew from the work of the Ivanka-led American Workforce Policy Advisory Board, on which Cook also sits. The Ad Council chipped in to help produce the TV ad, which features people who used apprenticeships or trade school degrees to get new jobs. “I got laid off twice, but you got to keep going,” one…

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