SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The U.S. travel sector doubled down on online ads in the last month, joining healthcare and food delivery providers in pushing deals even as the coronavirus pandemic caused mass cancellations and deterred many travelers.
Airlines increased spending to $23.4 million between Feb. 10 and Mar. 10, up from $8.3 million in the same period last year, according to data provided by Pathmatics, which develops software to track online ads.
Cruise operators, which have been particularly hard hit by fears over virus transmission, bought $27.6 million worth of digital ads, five times the $5.5 million they spent a year ago.
Overall, the travel sector’s top ten spenders increased online ad buys this past month to $40.5 million, 7.7% higher than during the same period last year. Other sectors like healthcare and food delivery have also seen a bump.
Salad chain Sweetgreen has run ads on Facebook touting its delivery service for when consumers “are staying in.”…
Source Reuters Tech News
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