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Trump had his biggest presidential Twitter day as he reacted to his impeachment trial – Source CNET Internet News


Trump had a lot to get off his chest on Wednesday.

Alex Wong/Getty Images

President Donald Trump tweeted up a storm Wednesday, sending more microblogging messages than on any other day of his presidency. He sent 142 tweets to his 71.4 million followers, with the majority of those being retweets slamming his impeachment trial, according to Trump indexing site Factbase.

The president’s day started in Davos, Switzerland, where he was attending the World Economic Forum along with other world leaders, so his first retweet — a conservative author’s comment on the trial — came at 12 a.m. ET (6 a.m. in Davos). His last retweet, a Georgia Republician’s criticism of the trial, was sent at 6:18 p.m. ET, after he’d flown back to Washington, D.C.

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Source CNET Internet News

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