When our CEO and Founder Martin Dougiamas launched Moodle in 2002, his vision was to provide educators with a way to create quality education experiences over the Internet, while freeing them from administrative tasks so that they could focus on what matters the most: creating great learning experiences.
With the global community of educators and developers in mind, Martin built Moodle as an open source platform that would follow the four open source freedoms. This way, developers, educators and organisations worldwide would be able to share knowledge, change and adapt the Moodle software to the way they needed it to work and contribute to improving Moodle for everyone.
20 years later and with hundreds of millions of users worldwide, Moodle LMS remains open source – and other open source projects like Moodle App and MoodleNet have joined the Moodle ecosystem. With a team of in-house developers and thanks to countless contributions from our growing global community, Moodle now…
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