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Best Chromebook tips for 2021 – Source

Part of the appeal of handy-dandy Chromebooks is that they’re so easy to use. Boot one up, sign in to your Google account, and . . . well, that’s about it.

But if you use a Chromebook regularly, there are a handful of pretty cool and useful features you might not have discovered yet. Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks that make life with a Chromebook more rewarding.

Terrific touchpad tricks

You’ve moused around. You’ve clicked. Maybe you’ve even clicked and dragged. But wait! There’s more.

To perform a right-click—say, to bring up a context menu—you can either click two fingers on the touchpad at the same time or hold down the Alt key and click with one finger.

You can also use two fingers at a time to scroll up and down or left and right. If you’ve got an active webpage open in Chrome, swiping left or right acts like clicking the back or forward buttons in the browser.

To open a link in a new Chrome tab, click it with three fingers at once. To switch between…

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