Depending on the breaks, 2022 could be a very eventful year for new tech products and even whole new tech categories. From gaming to electric vehicles to mixed reality wearables, next year’s releases could even begin a shift in the way we view tech’s role in personal and business life.
I’ve taken my best shot at rounding up the most significant and anticipated of those releases. It’s admittedly a mixed bag. Some products have already been announced, and—barring disaster—will be delivered next year. Others are still in the rumor stage, but have a reasonable shot of making it to market. Others are straight-up longshots. But some segment of them will indeed show up.
Sure things
Panic Playdate. Panic’s new Playdate handheld video gaming device should finally see daylight in early 2022 after the company delayed its launch twice. The Playdate, which was originally announced in 2019, has a 1-bit black and white display and the main control is a four-way directional pad. It was…
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