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Will we need COVID-19 vaccines every year? Maybe not – Source

Now that the Food and Drug Administration has approved COVID-19 vaccine boosters for all adults, people are looking ahead to what next year holds for COVID-19 and the future of vaccination. And many questions remain.

At the New Economy Forum this week in Singapore, Bill Gates said he expects that by mid-2022, deaths from COVID-19 and infection rates in general will drop lower than those for seasonal flu, so long as a new dangerous variant doesn’t crop up. That’s an even shorter timeline than pharmaceutical heads have predicted. In September, Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said that the pandemic was on track to be over in a year. Also in September, Pfizer CEO Alan Bourla said on ABC’s This Week that he agreed that people would be able to return to their normal lives in a year, but he anticipated that COVID-19 variants would continue to circulate. “I think the most likely scenario is annual revaccination,” he said.

Pharmaceutical companies are already preparing for a world in…

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