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How NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps prepared for her space mission – Source

NASA astronaut Jeanette Epps is set to become the become the first Black woman to be part of an International Space Station crew. But unlike some billionaires, the path to space was winding and arduous. Below, read about the training and certifications she received to qualify.

T-38 Jet Training

Epps learned how to operate a two-seat, twin-jet supersonic jet trainer used by the military. “A lot of people can design an airplane but don’t know how to fly it. I had to understand how to do both,” she says.

National Outdoor Leadership School

Epps completed a program with NOLS, a nonprofit outdoor education school that teaches participants leadership, risk management, and wilderness skills. The courses teach participants leadership and technical skills, like backpacking, mountaineering, rafting, and wilderness medicine.  Asked what she learned about herself as a leader during the experience, Epps says, “In a group of leaders, I try to make sure that I’m going to get hurt, that…

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